Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Thing 22: Staying Current

I think that the best way for me to stay current is to attend NEFLIN classes and Webinars. I'm not trying to patronize the very organiztation instituting this program, but I just don't see myself following all the different tools that were provided in this Thing when I have live assistance and hands-on programs. True, our travel budget has taken a hit, but Webinars are still possible. In addition to this, I find that our Technical Services consists of very knowledgable employees with whom I can discuss new tools and 2.0, etc.

As far as recommending a way to keep up, my suggestion is not a tool but a practice; do not close your mind to what technology has to offer...try it, and if it does not appeal to you, move on. This way, you are familiar with it and you can therefore contribute to your workplace in this regard.


  1. Yeah! I'm so glad you stuck it out even when Blogger was challenging you! Congrats on completing 23 Things!

  2. ♥♥♥♥♥
    to you, missy,
    for your stick~to~it~ness!


    {{ sometimes when folks stick to a goal
    they end up in ♥Ireland!

    i am just saying... }}
